Customer Partnerships & Marketing

Rashad West

Kipsuvian since
February 2022
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What were you up to before joining Kipsu? 

I was in the restaurant industry.

What are some things you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I love traveling with my family. I'm also a motorsports enthusiast and also enjoy watching football.

What drew you to Kipsu in contrast to other companies? 

Kipsu is building a product that works well, and is easy to get behind.

What were some things you noticed about the Kipsu team during your first week?

Everyone here is willing to help you. If they don't have the answer you need, they will help you find it. Also, if you have ideas to make processes more efficient, your input is valued.

What challenges are you looking forward to tackling in your work at Kipsu?

I am looking forward to our product expanding into parts of the world we haven't yet entered, and helping grow our reach in those areas as well.

What is your favorite Kipsu core value and why?

Pursue relentlessly. This core value aligns with how I view obstacles in my life. I am always trying to do better than I did the day before.

If you could pick any person for a chat over a shared dinner, who would you pick and why?

Mike Tyson. I would love to hear some incredible stories about coming up as a champion during the wildest times in sports.

Want to join us?

We're looking for motivated people to join our growing team in Minneapolis. See our careers page to view all open positions and submit an application.