
Sara Blinn

Kipsuvian since
March 2023
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What were you up to before joining Kipsu? 

Before joining Kipsu, I graduated from Gustavus with two Bachelor's degrees in Fine Arts and Spanish and then decided to pursue Software Development with The Software Guild.

What are some things you enjoy doing outside of work? 

My home is filled with orchids and citrus trees (with no fruit...yet) and a clumsy silver poodle named Chip, with whom I watch way too many true crime and horror films. I also enjoy any opportunity to be creative or to build. Playing guitar, drawing, painting, or sometimes even building furniture.

What drew you to Kipsu in contrast to other companies? 

The people and the culture was what first drew me to Kipsu. Having experience working in customer service, I also recognized the value and potential in what Kipsu does.

What were some things you noticed about the Kipsu team during your first week?

Everyone that works at Kipsu is unique and so genuinely wonderful. It's a very welcoming environment. When you hear people say that 'everyone at Kipsu is so nice', they aren't joking.

What challenges are you looking forward to tackling in your work at Kipsu?

I look forward to working with and learning from so many really awesome and talented people at Kipsu. I'm also excited to contribute to a service that helps people.

What is your favorite Kipsu core value and why?

I don't think I could pick just one, but 'We Go Beyond Together' and 'We are Builders' speaks to me. I appreciate how much Kipsuvians value people for their unique backgrounds and experiences. I have always believed that there's always something to learn from any experience, it's about what you make of your experiences.

If you could pick any person for a chat over a shared dinner, who would you pick and why?

I would probably pick someone controversial or someone with top secret information, but only if they were willing to tell.

Want to join us?

We're looking for motivated people to join our growing team in Minneapolis. See our careers page to view all open positions and submit an application.