Kipsu and SynergyMMS

Elevate hospitality operations and guest experiences even more with the Kipsu and SynergyMMS integration.


Sonja Swanson


April 24, 2023

Originally developed with Hilton Hotels in the 80s, SynergyMMS is a powerhouse task management system in the hospitality industry with 90,000 users worldwide. Based in Bowling Green, OH, SynergyMMS processes 6.5 million work requests annually and boasts:

  • 80% reduction in guest complaints due to maintenance
  • 30% reduction in guest complaints
  • 20% reduction in repair and maintenance costs. 

This makes for an exceptional experience at the guest level.

And that’s what Kipsu is all about. 

With the Kipsu and SynergyMMS integration, guest needs can be delegated to the correct team with even more efficiency and without having to switch between software.

3 ways SynergyMMS streamlines your operations

  1. Intelligent dispatching at work

SynergyMMS automatically delegates opened tickets to the appropriate teams—from maintenance to housekeeping to room service. The system is even sensitive to an employee's current workload and experience level before assigning a task. Updates to tickets happen in real-time and can be seen on the Kipsu Dashboard: from task type, to location, to any additional comments. Users can also have visibility into when a ticket is opened, who is accountable for the task, and how long completion took.

  1. Increased productivity through better reporting

With robust reporting features, SynergyMMS also helps management track trends in service. This can save the property on maintenance costs, and even enable preventative maintenance. Additionally, the visibility of employee productivity allows managers to find opportunities for training and recognize staff excellence, all of which influence the guest experience for the better. 

  1. Opening channels of communication

SynergyMMS is accessible from your phone, so employees who are not tethered to a desktop have the freedom to check in with tasks at any time. It can also be set for different language preferences, making sure that every employee is communicated to within the format that is most natural and effective for them. 

A SynergyMMS upgrade is also in the works for the Kipsu integration that helps housekeeping prioritize room turnover by updating checkouts in real time—this especially helps when early check-in is requested. 

Guest needs met from every angle

Kipsu’s integration with SynergyMMS bridges the gap between the guest and the property. SynergyMMS manages maintenance requests and work orders, and with the integration, it can intake Kipsu guest needs and manage those requests too. (and of course, staff members can continue to keep guests updated on the status of their request through Kipsu messaging!) The integration allows for seamless communication between platforms and improves operational efficiency.

If your property already uses Kipsu, getting integrated with SynergyMMS is a breeze. Simply supply Kipsu with your SynergyMMS Property ID and Kipsu will connect the two systems in minutes. There’s no extra charge for integration whatsoever.

Because of the consolidated workflow, independent properties are finding SynergyMMS just as appealing as the larger full-service hotels. With support available 24/7 via chatbot, phone, email, and a help center, there’s no shortage of ways to get help with the program.

If you’re interested in integrating your Kipsu and SynergyMMS systems, click here to learn more, and schedule a conversation with us

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