Unexpected Snowpocalypse? Make Sure Your Hotel Is Prepared

How to keep guests cozy and comforable



December 30, 2017

As snow begins to whip across the east coast and is still settling in the southern parts of the U.S, many states (like Georgia) who are not used to cold weather are now experiencing a formidable snowpocalypse. In the case that your hotel is located in one of these typically sunny areas but are currently Googling how to build a snowman, here are few tips to ensure that your guests remain happy, healthy, and warm during the storm.

Watch Out For Ice

With snow, comes ice. This means sidewalks, walkways, and parking lots can turn into unwanted skate rinks. Most states will allow you to toss salt onto frozen ground to lower the freezing temperature of the ice and therefore allow it to melt. However, many states and cities have regulations about spreading salt on the sidewalk due to environmental and health concerns. Be sure to check with your local government on the do’s and don’ts of ice, but you may want to consider sand or kitty litter instead. Although they don’t melt the ice, they add some texture to the ground, giving pedestrians a better grip.

For the hotels and resorts out there that may have valet, private car, or shuttle services, make sure your drivers know how to operate in the snow! It takes a little extra patience and a lot of extra attention.

Keep the Entryway Dry

Similar to the ice problem, melted snow can also be a slipping risk. As frozen guests and staff walk in from outside, the snow on their boots and shoes will melt off into the lobby and could cause things to get slick. Ensure that your team is mopping often and adding caution signs as needed!

Offer Coffee or Hot Cocoa in the Lobby

With this unprecedented weather, you should assume that guests walking through your door are underdressed and underprepared. What better way to welcome them to the hotel than a great big pot of warm coffee? If you really want to dress to impress, you could adorn the lobby with a hot cocoa bar and offer a warm chocolatey drink with the option to add marshmallows, cinnamon, sprinkles, or peppermint!

Be Aware of Snow Emergency Parking Rules

If you have guests or staff members that have cars parked on the street be aware of your city’s snow emergency policy. Many cities will enforce limited street parking in the first day or two after snow. Cars parked on now-forbidden areas of the street may be subject to ticketing or even towing. Make sure to know the rules and communicate to guests as needed. You might even consider a handout at check-in or sending a text to everyone in house.

Add a Few Extra Blankets Into Beds or Into Rooms

Don’t wait for guests to ask for an extra layer at night! Stock rooms with extra blankets so guests are prepared for the night. Some hotels may go as far as just adding an extra layer directly onto the bed. If it’s something your hotel has available, you may also consider adding slippers or bathrobes in the rooms.

In the end, remember to offer a warm retreat to arriving guests (make sure all the thermostats work!) and stay positive. Snow does not need to ruin a vacation or negate a business trip. Guests can easily still enjoy their stay and your city--even with a heavy dose of snow! If you simply offer a few extra warm amenities and take precaution against possible safety risks, guests and staff will have seamless, albeit chilly, snowpocalypse!

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